Wednesday, April 28, 2010


She'd come from a different place, or time rather. It was obvious because the flashing lights, sirens and deafening noise did not capture her attention.
The thick cloud of smoke coming from the pipes underground, tainting our air was existent to her. Yet and still she breathed it in as if she yearned for that toxic in her lungs.

I saw it as her embracing the poison of life.

Even now, in the dawning of August her skin seemed see through and lips remained blueish.
Dirty blonde hair filling her scalp sculpted her face. Amplifying the green veins painted on her forehead.
She moved at a slower pace. Counting the seconds in which time stood still , noticing the dirt stained sidewalks and the air conditioners filling voids in every other window.
...and she spoke out of ordinary.
spiritually venturing into visuals of Arabians being freed into wide fields of daisies and--
wishing she was on their backs. Pulling at their reigns as they galloped into saturday's sunset. That way she was completely free by the seventh day to relax her mind.

Forcing herself to live by the inevitable loneliness most of us suffered from, this woman found solace in a life formed of a blissful ignorance. Detaching her mind from her soul leaving it up to her heart to guide her.
A stilted beauty i presume. But beauty none the less.

often mentally drained she used her love of life to craddle her. As if she still held the innocence of an infant.

A fool she became, so god granted guidance. Still not too sure if she cared to have that. . .


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