Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our First Conversation

she said .."i want to paint you"..

so i took my place sitting poised on the stool of her mental.

Left hand relaxed on the cusp of my hip while the right hung in between my slightly parted thighs.

My eyes never leaving my artist,

as she remaind half hidden behind a blank canvas of her immortality...........


so I stood..

weightlessly caressing the purity of my canvas with strokes of her being

from time to time slowly creeping to the side of my canvas i caught a glimpse of life...


gazing up at me still in my same stance upon her stool of imagery.....


And that glimpse she caught pierced through my soul deeper than you could ever imagine

Ididnt know how to react to her stare.

I've rehearsed my composure infinite times

But...this was different.

more than lavish physical attraction

she sought after my mind.

a journey to decode the complexity of my potency...

and i couldnt resist her.

the ability she possessed to manipulate each crevice of my mind

and intice every morsel of my being

enabled this magnetic hold. . .

........(your turn)

-danielle a. watson Allison Phillips


1 comment:

  1. Your narrative is so interesting. i hope to read more from you great work thus far.
